Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eh? What's that you say?

Recently I've been seeing a lot of badges on blogs by folks over 25 proudly declaring that they could hear an annoying high pitched sound that older people can't hear after years of loud concerts, loud music, screaming children, screaming children and getting old.

So, I thought I'd give the site a try.  Here's what I got off the site:

Train Horns

Click on it yourself and see if you'll earn the one that says you CAN hear it. I've decided not to feel sorry for myself because it was probably a really, really annoying sound that I no longer have to concern myself with!

My friend, Adam, has created a hearing test just for those folks OVER 25. He has found a sound that is annoying to children and teens but real adults can hear it plainly. HT to Adam for restoring my dignity. Why don't you take the parent test too? But, remember, you must be over 25.

Parent Audio Test

About Me

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Longview, Texas
In the autumn of my life, I am very content.
