Ever since I have been a believer, I've wanted to hear God's Call for my life. I've wanted to do what He's wanted and to be what would bring Him glory. I found that God was as willing to show me His will as I was willing to do His will! And what an adventure it's been! I've had the honor of helping start a Pregnancy Testing Center, working with ladies who have dealt with abortion in their lives, women and girls who had been hurt from sexual abuse. I had the joy of working with Josh McDowell's "Why Wait?" campaign, speaking to teens and parents all over the country. And I had lots of fun making a teaching video with Josh McDowell called, "The Teen Age Q&A Video".
After that, I heard God clearly calling me to focus on my newly teenage daughters. It was time to invest in their lives and the lives of their friends. I knew I was where God wanted me. I knew that I knew that I knew.
Then my daughters married, settled here in town and started having children. I heard God again. I knew it was time to concentrate on my grandchildren. What a blessing to have the ability to stay home and take care of them instead of their being in daycare. I knew I was making a difference in eternity and it is God's call on my life.
I smile because I never thought this is where I would be or what I would be doing in my mid-50's. But then I think about it and realize that I don't know what I envisioned doing at this stage of life. Success isn't something that consumes me. Things aren't that important to me. I don't have to have the biggest or best. (ok, I confess I am a hotel snob....) But I love being where I know God has called me.
It's interesting to look back and see that God truly gifted me when He called me. It reminds me of part of Corrie Ten Boom's story. Corrie and her family spent time in a German concentration camp. Most of her family died there and she was released by a technical error. She spent the rest of her life telling her story about God's working in all circumstances. What led to her imprisonment was the fact that she and her family helped the underground rescue Jewish people. Their house was altered with a 'hiding room' and many Jews came through their house and were able to be taken to safety.
After Corrie was released from the concentration camp, she assumed she was to go back working for the Underground again. They welcomed her back and she carried out the task. But it wasn't the same.
In her words, "I bolted for the door. I stood thankfully on the sidewalk until my knees stopped knocking. If I had ever needed proof that I had no boldness or cleverness of my own, I had it now. Whatever bravery or skill I had ever shown were gifts of God - sheer loans from Him of the talent needed to do a job. And it was clear, from the absence of such skills now, that this was no longer His work for me."
I understand that observation deep down in my soul. When I want to do God's Will, He will faithfully lead me. He will enable me. And it will be an adventure! When it's time to do something else, He will let me know and in His love, He will show me that my gifts were loans from God for doing the job He gave me. My Father God is so loving that He gently shows me that we're concluding our adventure. He gives me the strength to finish well and the excitement that a new adventure is about to begin.
I am so loving being able to help with my grandchildren. I love so much all the time we are together. If you ever wonder how cool and awesome I am, just look at my refridgerator! Notes and pictures from people who love me. I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
And I am hearing God calling me again. This time, I'm not moving on, God's encouraging me to add a bit more. I am hearing God whisper to me to concentrate more on encouraging and helping my daughters. I want to do more than just watch their kids. I want to pay attention and see if I could help them when I sense I could be an encouragement. I want to look for chances to love them, help out, give them time with their spouses, and be available for them when they need a shoulder. God showed me that it's a joy to do His Will. Not always easy, not always a smooth ride, but always a joy.
When I am doing God's Will, I feel more alive, more confident, less fearful of failure. And God's call on my life right now is to love my daughters better, and keep loving my grandchildren. And I know that I know that I know.
It's not a big, flashy calling. It won't get a lot of attention. It won't be noticed by many. It sounds mundane and maybe a bit crazy. But it is God's Call on my life. I've been called to pour into my adult kids and their children, something that was taken for granted a few generations back. Sadly, it has be intentional these days just because of the lives we lead.
I dont' think I'll be the person who struggles with a mid-life crisis. I know who I am already in Christ. And I know that all I want for my future is to do the will of God. When I hear God's call on my life, I know He is in control, He will supply all I need to do it, and it will be an adventure!
So, where you hear God's Call on YOUR life?
Beautiful message beautifully written. Your daughters and their families will are blessed with a mother which is a faithful daughter of God.
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