Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Been Busy, but I'm Back!

Sometimes I get so busy with life in general, that I don't come here to write as often as I want to. Last week, over spring break, I got to go to camp with my Sunday School class. They are wonderful 5th and 6th grade kids and I was looking forward to our week together. This particular camp was also open to 3rd, and 4th grade kids.

These campers were kept busy all day long. The theory being that busyness keeps the little kids occupied and they would be less apt to get homesick. For me, it tended to feel like babysitting activities. I found myself missing the jr hi camps we'd done for so many years where many relationships were forged.

I truly believe that whatever spiritual gift God gives us, it will be our passion and bring us much joy. God's pretty cool that way. So I observed during the week. I observed that the young kids were cute but I was way more drained after dealing with them all week. Definitely not re-energized.

Interestingly, there were some jr hi kids who were there helping to serve for the week. I ended up connecting really well with them. There I felt energized and felt joyful.

God's timing comes into play here too. And it no longer surprises me, it makes me laugh. We asked about joining the jr hi team at church and turns out they were needing someone new! And one of the guys is leaving after this next year so we'll probably be next in line to take over! A small group of 10-12 jr hi kids - how exciting!

I've also been really busy with the pastor search committee. I am really enjoying the team I'm working with very much. We're down to 4 possible candidates! The church will be asked to join us in prayer as we ask God for wisdom, knowledge, discernment and a consensus. I'm humbled by all this and I'm really glad for then chance to get to know some folks even better.

So, if you think about it, say a prayer for me as I'm on this committee. Pray for wisdom and discernemnt for me. I can't imagine being on the committee without bathing it all in prayer.

Thanks, y'all!!

1 comment:

Jinglebob said...

I went one day and did 20 minute sessions with 30 to 40 10 and 11 year olds, awhile back. I was supposed to talk about the history of ranching in this country. Some groups were great and some were real quiet. I just tried to give a quick talk and then opened it up for questions. It went much better than I expected, but I was glad when we were done! Kidz! LOL

Prayers headed your way!

About Me

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Longview, Texas
In the autumn of my life, I am very content.
