Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Contemplating Christmas & our upcoming 32nd Anniversary
Jaime made Kevin an amazing scrapbook that honored his grandparents. G'ma and G'pa had written stories for us over the years about their childhoods, marriage, family, hard times, good times, and many words of wisdom. In one story, G'pa said, "Losing everything wasn't all bad. It was during those hardest times that we saw how much our church family loved us. And we cherished friends and family so much more." I hope this scrapbook will become an heirloom to the family. Thanks, Jaime, your hard work will last for generations and the book is just stunning.
Then the girls gave us a CD of family pictures. They put the kids in Cowboy uniforms to honor Kevin. They were wonderful! I recognize that it took them a lot of effort to get all 3 families together and keep them in good spirits during all the posing and picture taking. All that was not lost on us. Girls, thank you. The pictures were wonderful and I can't wait to get our newest family picture on the wall.
Here are my 3 favorite pictures. The grandkids, the girls, and the entire family.
Looking at these pictures reminds us that these are the things that are important to us at Christmas. And these pictures make the celebration of our 32nd anniversary that much sweeter. We look at these kids and grandkids and we feel like we did a lot of things right. We see that God was faithful to give us wisdom liberally as we cried out to him as we raised our family. We serve an amazing God who has blessed us beyond anything we ever imagined.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Manger and Christmas Past
I think we started the tradition when Kylene was about 4 and continued until the girls were all teenagers. Sometimes they'd groan about it but I didn't take them very seriously because it wouldn't be long before they'd start enjoying finding things to do for others. I limited it to family because, to be honest, family is often the most neglected. It's easy to do nice things for friends and even strangers at Christmastime, but not as easy to serve family.
This was a simple way to keep Jesus the focus of Christmas. In spite of all the concerts, programs, parties of the season, there was always an empty manger in the background slowly being filled with hay. It also encouraged the girls to nice things for their sisters without bragging about it. I was often privy to their sneaky good deeds. I'd watch them make each other's beds or wash dishes or put their things away and they really enjoyed it. The sneaky factor was a great draw.
I think this tradition helped keep us from getting quite so grumpy with each other during December too. It's hard to be crabby and do nice things for someone else.
So, here's to Christmas past and a manger full of hay.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Training the Beast - Click
I am in a very small class. There are 2 of us plus the instructor. The other dog's name is Sadie and she's a German Shepherd puppy. She's 3 months old and could easily think of Beast as a squeakie toy. Beast is now 5 months old and just barely 2 lbs. Last night was the requisite boring introduction followed by instructions for using the clicker.
When I got home after the class, I showed Kevin what Beast and I had learned. I immediately learned that Ranger does NOT like the clicker. Ranger is already well trained. He's so good that, if he misbehaves and I tell him that he's grounded, he'll go outside by himself and stay until I let him come back in!! Maybe the clicker is an affront to his intelligence.
Beast may have a teeny tiny brain, but it works amazingly well. She's already learned that, when I call her name, she comes running to me and sits right in front of me to await further instructions (ok, to await a treat... the other will come). It's actually pretty cool to watch her come bounding in and sit quietly. Very not little doglike, but pretty impressive.
I was going to try to pull a spiritual analogy out of this, but really, I'm glad God doesn't use the clicker method on us. However, I do want to be better at coming running when He calls me and then sitting quietly at His feet.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Mary and Moses
Oh and by the way, the baby Jesus looks a lot like Baby Belle and Moses wore Skechers.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Peace Offering Accepted
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A new generation
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Further up and further in....
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Give unto others
Christy and I were talking yesterday about Christmas and gift giving. Our family tradition, now that the kids are all grown, is to get together around noon and open our gifts to each other together. Mornings are for each family to enjoy together and to have their own family traditions. I love that we're all together for the afternoon and then we celebrate Russell and Randall's birthdays in the evening.
All the families really don't have any needs when it comes to birthday gifts. Then we end up giving each other things that we could get for ourselves anyway.
So I've offered the idea for each couple to draw a name of another couple and then make a donation in their honor. On Christmas, we'll open envelopes that will tell about the donation.
I think it'll be fun to find a cause that means something special to that couple. It'll give Christmas shopping a whole new meaning!
I was looking online and found this website http://www.justgive.org/. It's got 1000's of places where you can make a donation. We've been given so much. I think it'll be fun to share it with others on Christmas.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Heavy Heart
My heart is heavy for the nation. I believe that we are in decline as a nation and the downhill slope just got steeper and more slippery.
The hope I hold onto is that God is ultimately in control. Nothing surprises Him. And even if my faith in my country is waning, my faith in God is strong because He never changes.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Here today and gone tomorrow
I'm home today after spending Tuesday and Wednesday in Tyler with my Aunt Alice. She had knee replacement surgery and asked if I'd take her to the hospital and stay overnight. I was happy to do it and I learned a lot while like I there.
For example:
*knee replacement surgery, replacing the ends of your bones with heavy metal and all the grinding and reattaching that goes with that only takes 1 hour.
*they get you up 6 hours later to begin walking on that same leg that they just whittled on and sewed on.
*The day after surgery, you are awakened at 6am and you are moving, exercising, walking or getting poked and prodded until about 4pm.
*Hip replacement is actually an easier surgery than knee replacement.
Don't you feel smarter now too?
I'm taking the Beast with me when I go back to help Aunt Alice tomorrow for the weekend. So I decided it was time to have Beast look like a real frou-frou poodle. She's going to have to grow into this cut because she's still got real fine puppy hair. But it's so funny to see this itty bitty poodle running around. I think she'll be a hit this weekend.
Monday, October 20, 2008
That's what family does
All 3 of my girls told me that when I had to ask them to help me arrange to take care of my aunt. How wonderful is that?
My aunt is having knee replacement surgery next week. She's asked me to stay with her the day of and the day after surgery in the hospital and then to be with her for 3 days when she's released from the hospital.
In her eyes, she's asking a big favor. In my eyes, it's a chance to be a daughter for a mom that needs her. Not having that in my family of origin, I'm honored that she asked me.
But I couldn't have done it without my girls being willing to all rearrange their schedules to help me. And all 3 of them were more than willing to help me and my aunt.
I'm just so thankful for them. And for my aunt. And for Kevin for telling me, "Whatever Aunt Alice needs, we'll do."
That's what family does. Very cool.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Suck up points
The beast has won over Kevin. He's always been sweet, ummm nice, ummmm tolerant of other pets through the years, but this one has really won him over.
I'm officially one of those old ladies who carries a puppy in her purse and I'm ok with that. Especially 'cuz mine is the cutest.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Beast has arrived
I am most pleased with her personality. We have had amazing success with our pets' personalities. And this one is no exception. She is well socialized and lets anyone hold her and is afraid of nothing. Ranger and Shadow are way more intimidated by her than she is by them!
I got this puppy purse and put the Beast in it today for a trip to a craft show with Christy and Julia. The Beast did great! No one even knew she was in there unless I showed them. When Julia got restless, I'd let her hold the Beast:
Right now I have company as I type this:
I have a very sweet and understanding hubby to get me this birthday gift.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Or Not
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
TMI warning
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Puppy has a name!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
And the turkeys cheered
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Name Calling
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Theraputic post
This pun's for you
resisting a rest.
* To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
* The short fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.
* The dead batteries were given out free of charge.
* Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
* A grenade fell onto a kitchen floor in France, resulted in Linoleum Blownapart.
* Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
* Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Talking to myself
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Going to the gym & losing my clothes
Monday, September 15, 2008
Goodbye rain, hello sunshine
Our power was out for a couple days and the first day we heard a loud crack close by. We went out the back and saw this in our neighbor's yard:
A huge oak tree had fallen onto our neighbor's house. It fell across the entire house, crushing his kitchen and trapping his car inside his garage. He had actually been heading to the kitchen when it happened. This tree is so big that he can't even get a tarp over the roof to protect from further damage. They first have to get the tree out.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I confess
So, now that I'm finally feeling good, it's time to start taking better care of myself. The fitness center has a nursery and the time that I want to go is the quietest time of the day. I'm not a crowd person so that's good and it'll be better for the girls too. Since we got in the habit of going swimming every morning this summer, this will be an easy routine to start. And 5 days a week will make it habit for all of us.
I intend to look as pathetic as possible so that folks will have pity on the old lady.
Oh, and by the way, I finally figured out my problem....Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
What would you say?
Teaching again
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Mediation or running interference?
Starting again
About Me
Blog Archive
- Puppy has a name!
- Puppy!
- And the turkeys cheered
- Name Calling
- Theraputic post
- This pun's for you
- Talking to myself
- Going to the gym & losing my clothes
- Goodbye rain, hello sunshine
- I confess
- Tacky, tacky
- hmmm...
- Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted si...
- What would you say?
- Teaching again
- Mediation or running interference?
- Starting again